
Aggregate & Rock Testing Equipments

Mineral aggregates are a component of
composite materials such as concrete
and asphalt used to add strength to the
overall composite material.

Bitumen & Asphalt Testing Equipments

Bituminous mixture, also known as asphalt mixture,
is mainly composed by aggregates and bitumen, an
infinite variety of mixtures being possible.
Aggregate & Rock Testing Equipments

Aggregate & Rock Testing Equipments

Mineral aggregates are a component of composite materials such as concrete and asphalt used to add strength to the overall composite material.
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Bitumen & Asphalt Testing Equipments

Bitumen & Asphalt Testing Equipments

Bituminous mixture, also known as asphalt mixture, is mainly composed by aggregates and bitumen, an infinite variety of mixtures being possible.
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Cement & Mortar Testing Equipments

Cement is an inorganic material used in the
construction industry, both on site and during the
production of semi-manufactured products.

Concrete Testing Equipments

Concrete is one of the most used materials in
the construction industry. Several variables
contribute to define the quality of the 
concrete utilized for a structure.
Cement & Mortar Testing Equipments

Cement & Mortar Testing Equipments

Cement is an inorganic material used in the construction industry, both on site and during the production of semi-manufactured products.
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Concrete Testing Equipments

Concrete Testing Equipments

Concrete is one of the most used materials in the construction industry. Several variables contribute to define the quality of the concrete utilized for a structure.
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Soil Testing Equipments

Soil-testing predicts the mechanical behaviour of
soils that will serve as a the base of building
foundations, support for roads or
other infrastructure.

Steel Testing Equipments

Steel testing equipment is primarily used to measure
the tensile strength of metals, however further uses
include hardness and impact testing, metallographic
and formability testing, and much more.
Soil Testing Equipments

Soil Testing Equipments

Soil-testing predicts the mechanical behaviour of soils that will serve as a the base of building foundations, support for roads or other infrastructure.
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Steel Testing Equipments

Steel Testing Equipments

Steel testing equipment is primarily used to measure the tensile strength of metals, however further uses include hardness and impact testing, metallographic and formability testing, and much more.
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Miscellaneous Testing

Certain types of minor testing equipment
are available in the laboratory such as hot
plate thermoregulator and lab sampling
Miscellaneous Testing Equipments

Miscellaneous Testing

Certain types of minor testing equipment are available in the laboratory such as hot plate thermoregulator and lab sampling pulverizer.
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NL Scientific

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16, Lorong Sungai Puloh 1A/KU 6,
Taman Teknologi Gemilang.
Kawasan Perindustrian Sungai Puloh,
42100 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia


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